Project Meeting

How do people reuse archaeology data?

Prof. Rimvydas Laužikas (Vilnius University, Lithuania) and his team, as part of the TETRARCHs project work, are running an exploratory online workshop to identify case studies of high-quality reuse of archaeological research data. 

Friday, Sept. 29, at 12.00-14.30 (EEST) / 10.00-12.30 (BST time)

Over the last decade, innovation has centred on making archaeological data more interoperable, increasing the discoverability of data through integrated cross-search and facilitating knowledge creation by combining data in new ways. An emerging research challenge for the next decade is optimising archaeological data for reuse and defining what constitutes good practice around reuse. Critical to this research is understanding the current state-of-the-art regarding both existing best practices and barriers to using and reusing archaeological data. This exploratory workshop aims to present the first investigation results on reusing archaeological data and discuss methodological issues to understand how archaeological archives can better respond to user needs.

Programme (EEST time)

12.00-12.20 Introduction to the Quality in Use Methodology [Rimvydas Laužikas, Vilnius University]

12.20-12.30 QA on methodology

12.30-12.45 Presentation of use cases for professional archaeologists [Kristy-Lee Seaton, University of York]

12.45-13.00 QA on use cases for professional archaeologists.

13.00-13.15 Presentation of use cases for non-professionals, part 1 [Rimvydas Laužikas, Vilnius University]

13.15-13,30 Presentation of use cases for non-professionals, part 2 [Indrė Jovaišaitė-Blaževičienė, Vilnius University]

13.30-13.45 Presentation of use cases for non-professionals, part 3 [Igrida Kelpšienė, Vilnius University]

13.45-14.00 QA on use cases for non-professionals.

14.00-14-30 General discussion on use cases.

Project Meeting

TEtrARCHs Kick-off in York

TEtrARCHs partners in front of the King's Manor, home of the Department of Archaeology at the project kick-off meeting in November, 2022.
TEtrARCHs partners in front of the King’s Manor, home of the Department of Archaeology at the project kick-off meeting in November, 2022.

The Archaeology Data Service and the Department of Archaeology welcomed the TEtrARCHs Partners to York on 3-4 November, 2022. Some partners had worked together in previous projects, while others were meeting each other for the first time.

The meeting began with the usual welcome and introductions, but with the additional question: What is one thing we should know about you that will help you to thrive in the project?

The Partners then participated in the activity Going beyond the state of the art: scholarly inspirations, creative vision, pushing on the boundaries of current research & practice. Everyone prepared three slides and gave a short presentation on the current research scholarship, creative practice or other inspirations that have influenced where they would like to go / how they would like to reshape the research and professional landscape through the TEtrARCHs project. Please drop your slides here in advance of your presentation.

As the Department of Archaeology has a strong Digital Archaeology research focus, the Partners then headed to the weekly Digital Lunch held within the Department Presentation of TEtrARCHs to participate in the Digital Lunch Seminar Series organised by The Digital Archaeology & Heritage Lab (DAH LAB). Holly Wright presented the project in the hybrid seminar, with all partners participating and interacting with in-person and online attendees. The presentation is available here.

After lunch, workpackage leaders highlighted aspects of their workpackages, including where they will need to work, and with whom they will need to collaborate and realise their tasks and deliverables.

The major activities for the second day included a values setting for the Project. The Partners considered what values they would like to see underlie TEtrARCHs, and their work together in break-out groups and all together, to agree on a handful that could guide the work on the Project.

The meeting closed with a planning discussion for the activities and potential case studies for the first year of the project, a review of action points from the meeting, and final wrap-up and meeting evaluation.