Telling Stories with Archaeological Data

What can data do for us‘ seminar:

Making People and Worlds with Digital Archaeology

Dr. Colleen Morgan

University of York, UK

24 April 2024, 16.30-17.30 BST

What can data do for us‘ seminar:

Building an anti-colonial digital archaeology through FAIR and CARE data governance principles

Dr. Neha Gupta

University of British Columbia, Canada

8 May 2024, 17.30-18.30 BST

Dr James Taylor and Dr Catriona Cooper demonstrating digital data capture in the field. Photograph by Dr Colleen Morgan.
Dr James Taylor and Dr Catriona Cooper demonstrating digital data capture in the field. Photograph by Dr Colleen Morgan.

Welcome to Transforming Data Re-use in Archaeology (TETRARCHs)!

  • Are you an archaeologist who cannot easily find or navigate the data from other excavations? 
  • Are you an artist looking for information about the past to create an artwork or exhibition, but don’t know where to start? 
  • Perhaps you’re a teacher wanting to enrich your students’ learning by looking at the way people lived in the past?
  • Maybe you’re a carer keen to help archaeologists plan how they gather information to make it as relevant as possible to those you support?
  • Or are you a policy maker, trying to foster heritage collaborations between specialists and wider publics through legislation?    

These are some of the gaps that TETRARCHs (Transforming Data Reuse in Archaeology), our international research project, aims to address. We want to make archaeological data (from excavations and post-excavation research) accessible to a wide range of people, so that the data can be used and reused for educational, creative and other life-enriching purposes. For this reason, our team will work collaboratively across a range of communities to come up with ways in which we can make data use and reuse easier for cultural heritage storytelling. Our work towards these goals also abides by a set of values that we have collectively agreed upon. Why not check out our latest activities on our activities page?